Pray God's Word over all involved in the fires of California together in agreement; Psalm 31:16 "Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; Save me in Thy loving kindness.

Dan Quackenbush

Dan has lived in Crawfordville Fl. for many years. You could say he has roots here. He was born in Oneonta N.Y., Dan moved down once he graduated highschool. He grew up enjoying cars and everything about them along with guns and everything about them. He got involved with racing once here, nothing on a serious level but enough he had a good time while meeting good friends. Later on he decided to venture into his own business becoming a Gunsmith. There's not much Dan can't do when it comes to working on hand guns or long guns, what he doesn't know he figures it out. Mighty fine workmanship!

Dan didn't grow up knowing God, he knew of Him but what Dan knew scared him! His Mom, Connie, had Dan Christened when he was very young. Dan didn't know about Salvation until God introduced us in 2015 and His plan started taking root. In 2019 God got'em!!

In 2019 we were going to a local church enjoying praise and worship when Holy Spirit tugged on him enough that Dan knew He was calling him to Him! Dan ran down to the alter and gave his life to Jesus and 2 weeks later the deal was sealed with Water Baptism, he buried that old self and came out Brand New in Christ!

Dan now is leading praise and worship in our weekly gatherings, oh!, I forgot to mention, Dan is also a musician and sings, guitar is what he loves. Our praise and worship definetley is not the norm, never will be. Dan seems to always be in line with his music choices with what God has on His mind with the teaching. The 2 never consult together before the service.

If you want to know more you will just have to come by and get to know us. Until then, may God bless you and yours and cause you all to draw closer to Him :)

Deb Quackenbush

I am a Floridian, born on Guam though. My childhood was in Jacksonville and Tallahassee, my grandfather was in Tallahassee. As I grew up, I always knew of God. I was raised in a family that believed in God, but we did not live for God. I remember going to church every Sunday on the bus, they would hand out awesome treats on the bus leaving church. I got water baptized so many times when I was little and without my parents being there. I always knew there was a God because He kept me safe in some horrible situations when I was little and onward. The situations make sense now that I do know my Father, Savior and Holy Spirit and why they happened. I had no clue then. The demonic was definitely present. Things happened at our home that would freak you out, situations with my family, God kept His hands on me and my family!! But again, I had no clue what “the spirit world” was! I never read my bible...what bible?! Boring stuff, right?! WRONG!!

After going to many, many, and many more churches!! My life FINALLY was grabbed by God! I met my Husband Dan Quackenbush, I love his name! I was going to a church in Tallahassee when we met, he started going with me. All the way from Crawfordville! The things you do when your courting!! After 2 months of dating Dan popped the question, as you can guess...I said yes! I moved in with him, yes unmarried! We got married a year later, in 2015. I stopped going to the church in Tallahassee, too far. I again put God on hold, this time for Dan, I went back to the worlds ways!! BUT!, God still had a plan in the works!

Fast forward to 2019, I start getting the desire to go back to church. We start looking, Dan is very nervous about going to church. Seriously!! Dan would break out in anxiety attacks going to church and in church! The darkness did not want us there! We found a church, God called Dan and Dan answered His call and ran to the alter, Dan gave his life to Christ! What happened next changed both our lives forever!! We both buried our old selves in water baptism!! God was in it this time! We came up CHANGED! God hasn’t stopped with His plans! I finally found a teacher of Scripture that opened my eyes to His Truth! I have been in deep study and prayer ever since!

Who We Are...

These are our Husky babies, Dexter and Lexi. Dexter's head is on his sister.

This is Little D.. There is a huge story to her name, of course right?